Monday 25 February 2008

Safe arrival in Accra! updated on 7th March 2008

We arrived at our hotel aptly named Comfort Lodge at 10:30 p.m. It was 29 degrees C at that time! So it will be hot hot and hot! Just finished our first day of in-country induction and then we are off exploring Oxford Street in Accra - see how it compares to the other one!
There is no comparison which is maybe a good thing - why on earth would I want to be there says Michael.
Found a shop selling lovely local materials and colourful dresses and shirts. Also found an Indian restuarant and an Indian supermarket!
After two days at the hotel - we ran out of water but the hotel was very good about making sure we had enough water in the room. I guess it was a sign of things to come and better to experience it when you have help.

Saturday 23 February 2008

Luka says goodbye! updated 7th March

Apologies to all those family, friends and colleagues who came to say goodbye and whose photos we have not managed to add here.
Thank you to the generous gifts from so many friends and colleagues - we will be thinking about you all when we use the gifts here. Most of them are proving to be so useful already.

Ray, Carol, Rebecca and Rohan and Luka visited us at home to check progress with our packing.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Learning from the maestro??

Anil solves our IT problems and Michael hopes that some of that knowledge rubs off on him.

Dave comes to the rescue!

Dave finds new homes for our plants. He brought this big van and managed to take most of the plants.

Judy and Fred help

They came to say goodbye, instead ended up taking some boxes to store.

Packing and panicking!

Michael packs while Kiran panics (sort of).

Delayed departure!

Kiran's mother went into hopital so we had to delay our departure by a fortnight.