Monday 25 February 2008

Safe arrival in Accra! updated on 7th March 2008

We arrived at our hotel aptly named Comfort Lodge at 10:30 p.m. It was 29 degrees C at that time! So it will be hot hot and hot! Just finished our first day of in-country induction and then we are off exploring Oxford Street in Accra - see how it compares to the other one!
There is no comparison which is maybe a good thing - why on earth would I want to be there says Michael.
Found a shop selling lovely local materials and colourful dresses and shirts. Also found an Indian restuarant and an Indian supermarket!
After two days at the hotel - we ran out of water but the hotel was very good about making sure we had enough water in the room. I guess it was a sign of things to come and better to experience it when you have help.


ray-ben said...

excellent! Look forward to seeing some photos soon.

janchill said...

safe arrival is always a good thing. great that you've started a blog! have a nice time - i'll keep one (or more) eyes on this :o)
