Monday 8 February 2010

Rita and Osmond get married

We have never met the couple and yet in a typical Ghanain way we were invited to Rita and Osmond’s wedding. The wedding,which also included an engagement ceremony, took place at Grace and Perry’s house as Rita has "adopted" Perry as her father, although her father was there at the wedding as well.

Grace said the wedding would start at 11.00 so we got there an hour late to find we were one of the first guests. So we got ready to sit and wait. One would think by now we have got used to this, but no, all I could think about was what I could have been doing in this time! The only consolations were sitting under a mango tree so we were cool and a little girl adopting Michael as she suddenly appeared and climbed into Michael’s lap and then just looked at him. Make note of Michael's shiner! He got it trying to fight the bouganvilla in the garden but of course he does not say that to everyone.

Grace and daughter Selase were busy hosting the event so we chatted to Perry and his friend Richard. After nearly two hour’s wait, the engagement ceremony started. The groom’s side and the bride’s side were sitting facing each other and the groom was already in his seat. Rita’s sisters were sent to fetch her from inside the house. One of the sister’s made a big thing about how far it was and that it would cost the groom’s side some money for her to fetch her sister. So the best man gave her some money and then she repeated this trick twice and got more money. Rita was then brought by her sisters and sat down facing Osmond. Then there was a debate about whether Rita is the bride Osmond was looking for so there was some checking out to do. Rita’s brother got up at this stage to say that as he is going to loose the woman who does his cooking the groom has to compensate him before e can check his sister out. There seemed to be a deadlock as Osmond or his family could not agree on what Rita’s brother should get so the Pastor intervened. He speeded up the process by getting Rita’s brother to negotiate with Osmond later. So then Osmond checks Rita out and agrees yes that is the woman he wants to marry and invited her to join him. Some family members from both sides were then sent back in to check the presents and see whether this matched the list that had been already made. In the meantime we had a DJ playing popular songs.

Yes the gifts matched the list so then rings were exchanged and the engagement ceremony was over. We were informed that now Rita and Osmond would go to church and get their marriage registered. So more waiting. What neither of us realised was that Rita had gone back inside the house to change. She came out half an hour later with this amazing dress and a pink hat and was driven to church. More entertainment by the DJ and refreshments for the guests, many of them started dancing. Perry danced with his two dogs (Perry said they hated the noise as they are used to a quiet life). We were to go hungry some more as snacks were not suitable for vegetarians.

On the return from church, Rita and Osmond sat at the head table and a chairman gave a short speech followed by prayers from the pastor, and more music and dancing. As the only yevu guests, we had to be introduced to the guests, which was most embarrassing and we waved self-consciously when our names and what we do in Ho were announced. Nobody went to talk to Rita and Osmond and they did not talk much to each other either. Michael said Rita looked bored just like Indian brides at their weddings! The wedding ceremony ended after closing prayers and then food was served. Grace had cooked for us as she knew the caterers would not have prepared anything vegetarian.

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