Sunday 13 June 2010

We are ready - Go Black Stars, Go

It is Sunday morning - just a few hours to go, prayers are being said in churches for our heroes - don't let us down - onwards to victory and new glories. The whole place will come to a standstill, streets empty, silence except for the roars and cheers when the goals go in - we hope. A tough match, the opener, against a tough team - Serbia and mixed loyalties for the Black Stars coach - but an overwhelming confidence and anticipation that we will do well - especially after the Africa Cup of Nations.

It is rumoured that President Mills flew out yesterday to join the boys at their training camp - to motivate them and remind them of the heavy burden they shoulder on behalf of the nation - it all rests on you! Kofi Annan, big football fan was there too - he thinks that the young team have big hearts and will deliver the goods. Hard to imagine David Cameron doing the same - play to win chaps!

Football frenzy - Africa. The incessant, continual babble of everything football - television, radio, street corner - we will win, we will win. Mesmerising Messi - our arch rivals the Super Eagles played off the park by all accounts. Shaky England, poor tactics and poor goalkeeping (every keeper's nightmare - takes me back to childhood dreams and agonies between the sticks). Or is it the new fangled Ball doing strange things, flying long and unpredictably, or some terrible conspiracy - radio controlled to take out the enemy?

Everyone loves to talk and talk and shout - I have never seen people get so excited about the smallest decision, throw in, goal kick, anywhere - even by football fan standards everywhere - at one recent game someone even demanded that everyone stay for a post match review - wow and that is in the claustrophobic sweat and heat of a tin shack with fifty hot bodies pressed together in front of a small screen.

In Accra the whole city is awash with flags, banners, caps, shirts exhorting our heroes to win. Every street hawker has something football to sell - plastic hooters, wall charts, wrist bands, streamers - berating any taxi driver they find who does not fly a flag. Here in Ho it is a little more low key - people dont have the spending power of their city compatriots but it is no less passionate. Everywhere you go people want to talk about the match.

So - the minutes are ticking away, the build up is on - I have my new Black Stars shirt but first need to get to the market to do the shop. Soon people will cluster and huddle around every television and radio - Africa World Cup - we are ready - Go Black Stars - Go!


janchill said...

i dream of ghana kickin' germany out of the tournament before entering the playoffs.
a) that would have such an great effect on all the soccer-hools around here


b) i wish that an african team wins the cup - that'll be just right.

hope you're well and not often under arrest :o)

best wishes,

Kiran said...

Good to hear from you. Yes we would like an African team to win too but at the moment it looks unlikely. Boo to the hools!