Tuesday 11 March 2008

Settling down in Ho

People are amazed that we have already learnt so many words in Ewe (local Volta region language). We are now known by a few stall holders in the market and we know them by their first names as well. Our house is gradually acquiring more things and looks lived in. Both of us have got used to cooking in a small kitchen.

We had one panic when we ran out of water and we were totally unprepared but that has all been rectified. If it happens again we will be ready - now that we have two water containers.

Kiran's work is going really well and she feels she is settling into her role. VOLPHIG's articles states clearly that it will ensure that services to people with learning difficulties are recognised as a need. So there is a role for her after all, so all very exciting.

Michael as yet has not had an office base but is working on it. The Chief Executive and the Director of National Assembly know him now and are willing to find ways in which he can work with them and the Social Welfare Department. In the meantime he is supporting other small NGOs with financial processes and monitoring tools.

People have been so good to us both Ghanaians and ex-Pats. We had an opportunity to go to the the centre of bead making in the Eastern region and realised how beads are made from glass. It is quite a long process and people use local materials and different coloured bottles - what a great use for recycled bottles.

We travel to Hohoe for Kiran's work and then to Accra and Tamale with the VSO. Work with sightseeing sounds wonderful - if we can survive the 12 hour journey in the heat to Tamale.


Vishvala said...

Hi Kiran, Great to see your smiling face, cooking as well!!
Thanks for your birthday greetings..most appreciated. Got loads of phone calls but alas no cards...yours was missed..but the message definitly made it up. Thanks. Greetings to Michael.
keep up the good work..lots of love

Road to Ho said...

Hope you had a great day Vish. Lots of love, Kiran